蒙特梭利国际学校 The International Montessori School

2022-04-20 18:35发布

蒙特梭利国际学校 The International Montessori School

创立于 2002 年,採用英式教育配合蒙特利教学法,以孩子为中心,培养孩子独立自由的个体。


The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, non-denominational, bilingual (English and Putonghua) school. The Montessori is an internationally recognised education method with a 100 year history of providing an unique and enriching education to children all over the world. The Montessori Primary Years Programme operates on the understanding that children discovering their place within a group and within society as a whole is an important challenge at this developmental stage. Much of the activity at the elementary levels takes place in small groups, with children sharing, collaborating and exploring hand-on materials together. Fundamental to the Montessori theory is the multi-age classroom, and the programme is divided into three multi-age groups: Toddler from 0-3 years old, Casa dei Bambini for 3 to 6 years old; Elementary I for 6 to 9 years old; and Elementary II for 9 to 12 years old.


私立独立的国际学校、全年学费约 HKD $174,000

A private and independent school. Tuition fee (per pupil for annum) is receiption $121,500, primary $174,000 - $176,000.

有关学费详情,请参看教育局提供的 收费证明书


2003 年创立,位于赤柱马坑邨

The school was set up in 2003 and located in Ma Hang Estate, Stanley.



课程 Curriculum: Montessori, International
班级结构 Class Structure: Kindergarten, Reception, Lower Primary, Upper Primary


蒙特梭利国际学校 The International Montessori School

地址: 香港赤柱马坑邨第三期。学校地图电话: 21569033 传真: 30062950 电邮info@ims.edu.hk 网址http://www.ims.edu.hk