Sagarmatha Kindergarten Sagarmatha Kindergarten

2022-04-18 16:23发布

Sagarmatha Kindergarten Sagarmatha Kindergarten

Language skills, enjoy, participate in and respond to stories, poems and music, develop pleasure in stories told and read; learn how to handle books and other learning materials correctly; experiment with a range of writing materials; explore mathematical situations designed to encourage concrete understanding of the world; develop mathematical language of size, shape and pattern; use equipment and resources constructively and imaginatively; develop body awareness; express themselves through drawing, painting, malleable materials, dance, drama and music making.。We focus on developing while learning to concentrate and to enjoy sharing as a part of a group. Children shall develop faculties of investigating and beginning to understand the things, places and people around them. Communicating with one another and developing skills in talking, listening, writing and reading are also emphasised. Students will be developed to use ideas about number, quantity, measurement, shape and space.

幼稚园质素:由教育局幼稚园视学组编写的 评核报告(日期:2013-05-06)。


全港大约有 1,050 间幼稚园,80% 由非牟利团体办学,20% 是私立独立团体。香港有 72% 幼稚园参加「免费幼稚园计划」,入读这些学校可获得政府的学费资助。

创校历史2001 年创立,办学团体:Sagarmatha

Sagarmatha provides young children age 8 to 6 years with an enriching, caring and stimulating environment in which to develop, learn and become equally proficient for progression into higher learning. Our curricula fit into local and international setting. The children can prepare for their future education and at the same time take the first steps towards becoming well-rounded individuals.

学校设施学校有注册课室 3 个,可容纳约 150 个学生


教学情况学校有教职员约 7 位,师生比例约 1 位教师对 10 名学生

学校设有上午班和下午班,没有全日班,以下是 3-6 岁各班学生人数(2020 年 10 月资料)。


学校有参加「幼稚园教育计划」,以下列出扣减政府资助后不同班别的全年学费和期数。这里资料每年十月更新,有关学校的最新学费详情,请参看教育局提供的 收费证明书

幼儿 3-4 岁低班 4-5 岁高班 5-6 岁

这幼稚园有参加教育局的「幼儿班收生安排」。根据教育局于一月至六月公布的幼儿班(K1)学位空缺资料,大概知道该校的收生情况。图示: ☀ 没有学位空缺; ✅ 有学位空缺; ⚐ 正处理候补名单上的申请。

2019/20 学年入学: ⚐ ⚐ ⚐ ☀ ☀ ☀

注:以上每个标记(由左至右)分别是教育局于 2019-01-22, 2019-02-19, 2019-03-12, 2019-04-09, 2019-05-14 及 2019-06-11 公布这幼稚园 K1 学位空缺资料。(资料来源

2018/19 学年入学: ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅

注:以上每个标记(由左至右)分别是教育局于 2018-02-12, 2018-03-20, 2018-04-24, 2018-05-15, 2018-06-12 及 2018-07-10 公布这幼稚园 K1 学位空缺资料。(资料来源


Sagarmatha Kindergarten Sagarmatha Kindergarten

地址: 新界元朗青山公路162-168号联昇楼2楼A,B,C室
地图: 点击加载学校地图
电话: 29440404 传真: 29440550

校监:Mr Rai Ekraj
校长:Ms Rai Kamala

Sagarmatha Kindergarten网站快照,摄于 2020-07-12

更多资讯:教育局提供的幼稚园概览,有学校的详细资料:Sagarmatha Kindergarten概览