博士山(香港)国际幼稚园-火炭 Box Hill (HK) International Kindergarten - Fo Tan
Our school is based on the British National Curriculum's Foundation Stage. We include the same areas of learning and have adapted the early learning goals accordingly. Our programmes facilitate children to move to international or local primary school. The medium of instruction at our school is mainly in English, with Cantonese and Mandarin as a supplement.。We aim to provide a learning environment in which children are not only motivated to learn through being actively involved in purposeful activities and play, but also feel confident about tackling new situations and are prepared to think for themselves and act independently.
全港大约有 1,050 间幼稚园,80% 由非牟利团体办学,20% 是私立独立团体。香港有 27% 幼稚园没有参加「免费幼稚园计划」,入读这些学校不能获得政府的学费资助。
We believe that the success of children depends on their confidence and capability to learn effectively in this ever changing world. By involving children to participate in their early life, we think children are best motivated to learn through self-experiences. With the opportunity to explore in an enriching, stimulating, yet safe and caring environment, children are able to develop their full potential to tackle future challenges.
学校设有上午班和下午班,没有全日班,以下是 3-6 岁各班学生人数(2020 年 10 月资料)。
3-4岁 | 4-5岁 | 5-6岁 | 总数 | |
上午班 | 9 | 17 | 0 | 26 |
下午班 | 5 | 3 | 18 | 26 |
全日班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
幼儿服务:幼稚园有提供 2-3 岁幼儿服务,收录儿童约 41 人。
以下列出不同班别的全年学费和期数。有关学费资料详情,请参看教育局提供的 收费证明书。
幼儿 3-4 岁 | 低班 4-5 岁 | 高班 5-6 岁 | |
上午班 | $69,080(11) | $69,080(11) | $69,080(11) |
下午班 | $69,080(11) | $69,080(11) | $69,080(11) |
全日班 | - | - | - |
博士山(香港)国际幼稚园-火炭 Box Hill (HK) International Kindergarten - Fo Tan
地址: 新界沙田火炭银禧阁商场平台327号舖
地图: 点击加载学校地图
电话: 26882161 传真: 26882271
电邮: fotan@boxhill.com.hk
网址: http://www.boxhill.edu.hk
校长:Ms Kaur Manpreet
博士山(香港)国际幼稚园-火炭网站快照,摄于 2020-07-12