strongly disagree with newpaper cutting in mingpao

2022-05-06 11:05发布

strongly disagree with newpaper cutting in mingpao

I was so angry the other day when my family members showed me a newspaper cutting labelling all international students to be over protected nad will be badly equipped for the future as opposed with the newly immigrated youngsters.
Maybe it is true that the immigrants will be better equipped with the turbulence of life, but that cutting indirectly suggested that international students are worthless, '2 sai jo' and lacks motivation, consuming the grains very difficultly stored up by their ancestors.
This I had to disagree, I knew many international school students are equally assertive and thirsty for success.

all children needs investment. IMmigrants are obviously at a disadvantaged position as opposed to the middle class children but it is also inevitable that they lacked the neccessary environment for an 'excellent' development.
Despite all the saying that hardships garners success, I still believe that a child is better off with a happy family and proper moral teachings.

The psychological hurt may sometimes be irreversible.
would you exchange emotional scars/wellbeing of the child for sucess in their future


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