Comments on RC, ISF, YC, VSA

2022-05-05 09:05发布

Comments on RC, ISF, YC, VSA

I am asking this for a colleague of mine who will relocate to HK from Shanghai later this year. Her daughter will be in Year 1 (= local K3) for School Year 2014-2015 (i.e. deadline to submit applications: around this Sep. - Oct.). My colleague wishes her daughter to get into a school strong in English (hence, IS and a few others such as ISF) and Putonghua (compared with other IS). I met the kid once - she speaks native Putonghua and is quite ok in English (mainly due to her home and kindergarten learning I believe).

My colleague did some research, and wants to learn more about these schools: RC, ISF, YC and VSA, from the parents here. She is most keen to know about:
- Teachers' quality;
- Curriculum rigor;
- Language spoken between students (out of class);
- Overall parents' style (pushy, laid-back...);
- ...

Location is not an issue at this moment as the family will decide where to live considering factors including the kid's schooling.

Your help will be much appreciated.


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