Aeronautical Engineering - University of Glasgow vs Leeds vs Southampton vs She

1970-01-01 08:00发布

Aeronautical Engineering : University of Glasgow vs Leeds vs Southampton vs She

唔好意思,之前問過 AeronauticalEngineering : University of Glasgow vs University of Leeds. 現在多咗一個選擇University of Southampton, 三間都收, 仲問緊University of Sheffield, 依家煩緊,請高人指點, 四間點排 對四間評價 可否指教一下?

如果要Southampton, 就要係UCAS reject咗
Glasgow 同 Leeds先, Southampton會唔會話搞錯咗搞到亞仔無書讀 ? 好擔心!

睇QS, Time Higher Education, Sunday Times,Complete University Guide 啲 overall ranking 同subject ranking 個個不同, Student room 意見又不一,

* 其實最想入University of Bristol, 可惜唔收, Imperial 唔夠班,


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