need help on ESF schools...from the other side of the planet

2022-05-05 09:05发布

need help on ESF schools...from the other side of the planet

I'm really impressed by the parents who are so supportive giving advice and helping each other in this forum. I hope you can give me some help here.

My family is relocating to HK in the coming summer from U.S. In considering schooling, one of my top preferences is the ESF schools. I have 2 boys who are 4 and 6 and they should be going to p1 and p3 next school year. From most comments, I learned that all ESF schools provide similar learning environment and they are ALL GOOD. This is a good thing. But when it comes to deciding which one to go for, I think I need more information. Because they are all good, I can't just lay back, flip the coin, and let nature does the job for me...(but it sounds real good). I know where to live determines which school to go. But it is not that big an issue for us. Just fine anywhere easy commute to Wanchai where my husband will be working. So schools on HK island side, kowloon, but not DB and new territories (except clear water bay), will work for us.

One factor that may determine which primary to choose is the secondary school that it


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