What if after IB(Havard report) Dear parent,Please take a look on the following link especially for p11 onwards. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~secfas/General_Education_Final_Report.pdfTo me, my feeling...

What if after IB(Havard report) Dear parent,Please take a look on the following link especially for p11 onwards. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~secfas/General_Education_Final_Report.pdfTo me, my feeling...
有無人讀 廣州 AISG(american) 如題, 謝謝!
請問有冇人試過向EDB 投訴國際學校? 如題
Harrow Move Up Day Is there any year 1 kid joining today’s Move Up Day The kids are so excited today and glad to see them so happy enjoying the class!
小五本地學生轉國際中學目標本地3大大學,什麼國際學校合 小朋友小五本地學校讀書成績不錯,大學暫時希望在本地三大大學升學,但現在想中學轉國際學校接觸國際學校教育,有什麼國際學校比較合適?Non-Jupas 入本地大學會否難或沒有保證
MAST online tutorial 請問有沒有試過MAST online tutorial?
Any tips on interview for ISF For Foundation Year. TIA