新都城翠茵又招生 新都城翠茵又招生,唔係搬去日出康城咩?我之前放棄咗面試添,有無人知點解?謝謝 16-9-9 23:35 上傳
新都城翠茵又招生 新都城翠茵又招生,唔係搬去日出康城咩?我之前放棄咗面試添,有無人知點解?謝謝 16-9-9 23:35 上傳
請問應repeat K1 嗎? 代朋友問,超細女現就讀九龍城男女龍幼K1,今年考了三間天主教女龍幼,全部有offer,想問應唔應該repeat,主要concern係驚現在讀嘅學校因超細女關係升小有風險同對女校有少許preference。謝謝你們的回覆
邊間有學劵的幼稚園比較好 大家講下有邊幾間呀。最好係九龍區
2017-2018 迦南幼稚園K1 揮手區 2017-2018 迦南幼稚園K1 (揮手區)上星期開心收到迦南窩打老道call waiting!因為係細b所以之前好多都waiting失望左好耐~
請問保護兒童譚雅士好不好 我收到呢間學校offer,請問呢間學校好不好??
SIS Anyone knows the details of interview for PY1 as my boy will attend the interview in Jan 15. thanks
ESF Chinese Placement Test Year 7 My kid will join Island School as a new Year 7 student in August. Does anyone know whether placement test is only written in simplified Chinese My kid has been lear...
The Effectivness of Native English Teacher on Children's English language ?? Dear Parents,I am sorry to bother you. As we all aware that there is a big demand on NETs in Hong Kong recently, I would l...
讀國際學校好嗎? 小兒今年小一,老師覺得佢有ADHD, 我覺得佢情緒起伏好大,我冇帶佢做評估,因為情緒都未搞點,帶佢做評估就有偏見。我直接帶咗佢去見臨床心理學家教佢情緒控制加治療。臨床心理學家覺得佢係灰色的ADHD and 讀寫,做咗好幾堂治療,佢覺得情緒起伏大來自學校功課and 中文,佢suggest 我轉校,轉到國際或愉快學校。佢依家讀緊大圍傳統熱門小學,比較谷。上學期成績英文平均95分(因...
any existing Anfield parents here Hi there, would like to know if there are any existing Anfield parents out there who would like to share their experience in our new comers whatsapp group? Thanks i...
ICS 開始 Interview 未 (明年G1) 如題.
ESF(WKS) - Red Robin class (PM) Any ESF(WKS) - Red Robin class (PM) 's parent here
揀邊間國際幼稚園 想問
有沒有人識去愉景灣的Discovery College呀 (I live in yaumatei)thanks..
Urgent! Any comment about Faust's creative writing I want to let my son to join some creative writing course in summer time.